2015年1月14日 星期三

<英荷二地遊> 第四章 ﹣ Lake District 湖區:青山綠水,美食佳餚

山上的景觀 ﹣ Adelaide Hill, Windermere, Lake District, UK
山上的景觀 ﹣ Orrest Head, Windermere, Lake District, UK
如果Scottish Highlands是大自然粗獷雄偉的一面的話,那麼Lake District便是她溫婉嬌美的代表了。

Lake District的簡略行徎 ﹣

2014/04/12:Bowness-on-Windermere、Ambleside、Hawkshead、Hill Top。
2014/04/13:一天的當地旅行團,Keswick、Derwent Water、Castlerigg Stone Circle、Borrowdale、Grasmere。
2014/04/14:清晨登上Orrest Head,然後由Ambleside坐船往Wray Castle,遊覽後沿著湖岸步行往Far Sawrey的碼頭,再坐船回Ambleside,最後再訪Grasmere。

Lake District - 景點地圖(南部)
Lake District - 景點地圖(北部)
Windermere - 景點地圖 
Ambleside - 景點地圖
Grasmere - 景點地圖
Hawkshead - 景點地圖

Lake District 湖區是在三年前的英國之旅中想去而又去不了的地方,這次在這裏逗留了三天四夜,結論是不枉此行。

Lake Windermere 溫德米爾湖是全英國面積最大的天然湖泊,圍繞著這個湖有數個十分有個性的小鎮。

Bowness on Windermere 鮑內斯


大家認識Peter Rabbit 彼得兔嗎?Lake District是作者Beatrix Potter 比阿特麗克斯.波特生前居住的地方,亦是她的繪本故事的場景,順理成章地這裏有不少關於她和Peter Rabbit的景點,位於Bowness on Windermere的World of Beatrix Potter 比阿特麗克斯.波特世界便是其中之一。

World of Beatrix Potter, Bowness on Windermere, Lake District, UK

Bowness on Windermere, Lake District, UK

Bowness on Windermere, Lake District, UK

Hawkshead 霍克斯黑德

跟著我乘巴士先到Ambleside 安布爾塞德,然後再轉另一輛巴士前往Hawkshead。

Michael and All Angels Church, Hawkshead, Lake District, UK

Hawkshead, Lake District, UK

Hill Top 丘頂

下一站是Hill Top。

Beatrix Potter過身之後,很多她名下的物業和土地都捐給了National Trust,讓這個地區的人可以共同擁有這片她鍾愛的地方,Hill Top便是其中之一。

這是她生前曾經居住的地方,亦曾經在Peter Rabbit的故事裏登場,National Trust把這裏佈置成展覽館,重現她在此居住時的情境。

Hill Top, Lake District, UK
四周的環境 ﹣ Hill Top, Lake District, UK

Keswick 凱西克/ Derwent Water 德文特湖


第一個重點行程,應該是到Keswick的碼頭,乘船「暢遊」Derwent Water,可惜在陰暗的天色之下,也不怎麼重點了。

Derwent Water, Lake District, UK
Derwent Water, Lake District, UK
Keswick碼頭, Keswick, Lake District, UK

Borrowdale 保羅代爾


Borrowdale, Lake District, UK 
Borrowdale, Lake District, UK
聽導遊說這條Stockley Bridge被當地一個朱古力品牌用作包裝的照片。

Stockley Bridge, Borrowdale, Lake District, UK

Castlerigg Stone Circle 塞里格石圈

下一站:Castlerigg Stone Circle。這算是Bath 巴斯附近的Stonehenge 巨石陣的迷你版,看來古時的英國人很熱衷於以石頭圍圈。

Castlerigg Stone Circle, Lake District, UK
Castlerigg Stone Circle, Lake District, UK
之後我們在Grasmere 格拉斯米爾稍作停留(買Gingerbread 羌餅上洗手間),旅行團便返回Windermere,結束這一天的行程。

Orrest Head

第二天睡醒往窗外一望,嘩!這天終於放晴了!二話不說,馬上往Orrest Head的登山點出發。

Orrest Head是在Windermere火車站附近的一個小山丘,登上後能夠觀看Lake Windermere的全景。

登上Orrest Head的路口 - Orrest Head, Windermere, Lake District, UK
Orrest Head, Windermere, Lake District, UK
山下的Lake Windermere - Orrest Head, Windermere, Lake District, UK

Orrest Head, Windermere, Lake District, UK

Ambleside 安布爾塞德


Ambleside, Lake District, UK
Ambleside, Lake District, UK

Wray Castle 弗雷城堡

第一程船河由Ambleside前往Wray Castle,上岸後只是參觀了城堡的外貌,沒有入內遊覽。

船程中欣賞到的湖景 ﹣ Lake Windermere, Lake District, UK

Wray Castle, Lake Distrct, UK
Wray Castle, Lake Distrct, UK

Wray Castle 至 Far Sawrey Pier 的健行

沒有在Wray Castle停留很久,便開始了這天的健行,全程大約七公里,花了我大約兩個小時。


Wray Castle至Far Sawrey Pier的健行 ﹣ Lake Windermere, Lake District, UK
Wray Castle至Far Sawrey Pier的健行 ﹣ Lake Windermere, Lake District, UK
Lake Windermere, Lake District, UK
Lake Windermere, Lake District, UK

Wray Castle至Far Sawrey Pier的健行 ﹣ Lake Windermere, Lake District, UK

Grasmere 格拉斯米爾

在路線終點的碼頭開始第二次船河,經Bowness on Windermere返回Ambleside。歎過下午茶後,我再次前往Grasmere逛了一圈。


Grasmere Gingerbread Shop外的Spoon Garden - Grasmere, Lake District, UK
Grasmere, Lake District, UK
Grasmere, Lake District, UK
Grasmere, Lake District, UK
Grasmere, Lake District, UK

Adelaide Hill

乘搭巴士返回Windermere後,我登上了Lake Windermere岸邊的另一個小山丘Adelaide Hill,欣賞日落美景,亦為這段Lake District的行程劃上句號。

Adelaide Hill, Windermere, UK
Adelaide Hill, Windermere, UK 
Adelaide Hill, Windermere, UK
Adelaide Hill, Windermere, UK

食在Lake District

Francine's Coffee House, Windermere, Lake District, UK
Starter, Francine's Coffee House, Windermere, Lake District, UK
Roasted Goat Cheese and Portobello, Francine'es Coffee House, Windermere, Lake District, UK
Belgium Beer Affligem, Lamplighter Dining Rooms, Windermere, Lake District, UK

Hot Chocolate, Minstrels Gallery, Hawkshead, Lake District, UK
Afternoon Tea, Sheila's Cottage, Ambleside, Lake District, UK

Holly-wood Guest House, Windermere, Lake District, UK

住在Lake District

Holly-wood Guest House

Holly Road, Windermere, LA23 2AF


Glasgow 至 Windermere 交通

  1. Virgin Train:Glasgow Central [GLC] 至 Oxenholme Lake District [OXN],約1小時42分。
  2. First Transpennine Express:Oxenholme Lake District [OXN] 至 Windermere [WDM],約17分鐘。

Windermere 至 Ambleside 交通

Stagecoach in Cumbria 505:Windermere Bus/Railway Interchange 至 Ambleside Kelsick Road (市中心)或 Ambleside Waterhead Ferry Landing(碼頭),分別約18及11分鐘。

Ambleside 至 Hawkshead 交通

Stagecoach in Cumbria 505:Ambleside Kelsick Road (市中心)或 Ambleside Waterhead Ferry Landing(碼頭)至 Hawkshead opp Tourist Information,分別約20及27分鐘。

Hawkshead 至 Hill Top 交通

The Mountain Goat 525 (Cross-Lakes Experience):Hawkshead opp Tourist Information 至 Hill Top,約7分鐘,季節限定。

Ambleside 至 Grasmere 交通

Stagecoach in Cumbria 555:Ambleside Kelsick Road 至 Grasmere, at Centre (Broadgate),約13分鐘。

Grasmere 至 Windermere 交通

Stagecoach in Cumbria 555:Grasmere, at Centre (Broadgate) 至 Windermere Bus/Railway Interchange,約33分鐘。

Ambleside - Wray Castle / Far Sawrey Pier - Ambleside船河

Windermere Lake Cruises - Walkers Ticket


(Keswick/Derwent、Borrowdale、Castlerigg Stone Circle、Grasmere)

The Mountain Goat: Ten Lakes Spectacular

上一篇:第三章 ﹣ Stirling 史特靈:城堡與偉人
下一篇:第五章 ﹣ London 倫敦:重臨舊地,重彈舊調

